Thanks for the reassurance. Like Hopkins, but Toronto is one of only two MLB teams (Rays are the other) I've never seen play. Asking for a friend, but what are ballpark population level effects for a potential Charlie Manson of jays and hummingbirds? Thanks.
Great question. Given all the weight that former VP candidates get, I'd have to say Pence. He'll have time to wash the Trump stink off him and he certainly can rally the base with his ultra-conservative policies. Kasich's window was this year - I don't think he runs again in 2020. Cruz is simply poison. He may have gained some credibility by dissing Trump at the convention, but he blew it by endorsing him.
That depends, is there density dependence in the system, allowing for demographic compensation, or are we talking about a strictly additive mortality type of situation?
In truth, I am out of my league here. Is there an MLB team called the hummingbirds now?
In truth, I am out of my league here. Is there an MLB team called the hummingbirds now?
For those that are interested, more canvassers out in my neighborhood in Philly last night. This time not Hillary's campaign, but a group that supports her.
Peter Beinart makes the case that Trump is the anti-jhmd conservative.
There isn't, but there might have been if my friend hadn't depleted the population like a great country did with Indians and small pox blankets. Wouldn't know myself, but people are saying on Twitter thankfully it's extremely difficult to shoot hummingbirds with BB guns, so two or three youthful indiscretions wouldn't necessarily turn somebody into Bill Cosby decades later. That Atticus Finch dude was a smart and good mofo.
This is about as good of an argument against Trump as I have seen in this election. Any conservative who votes for Trump is ignoring their very core beliefs in the interest of preventing Clinton. And, notably, Clinton is saying all of those things that Reagan, Bushes, McCain, and Romney said, which I agree with wholeheartedly. She is the one on the trail talking about picking each other up, inclusion of all Americans towards the American dream, etc.
And it is on that point that jhmd and others refuse to accept that Democrats/liberals absolutely agree on personal responsibility and looking out for your neighbor, working hard together. To conflate supporting a safety net with not believing in the abilities of your fellow Americans is ludicrous, as is the canard that liberals nefariously pander to the poor for a secure voting bloc. It's playing politics with a virtue that both sides agree on, and could very well be a bridge the two parties could work together on to do some actual good, but it is squandered by partisan hacks dwelling in the gutter of the rightie echo chamber and stoking fear to sell ads on the radio and television.
Haha, I never thought all my training in modeling migratory bird populations would be so valued on a Wake Forest politics board.
Also, sucks for those Blue Jays, but if it makes you feel better, it's doubtful that you had a population level effect.
Bad news for Pence is that no losing VP candidate has ever been elected POTUS later since FDR. VP debates are snoozefests, but given the lack of enthusiasm among millenials for HRC and how artfully they set up Trump on the Khans and Machado, wouldn't be terribly surprised if campaign spent some resources and energy to expose Pence's long history of anti-LGBT legislation/activities. Pence has been flying under the radar, but he's every bit as homophobic as Huckabee, Bachmann, and Santorum.
Good point. Even in recent campaigns, no losing VP candidate was even nominated by their party four years later. Kemp '96, Lieberman '00, Edwards '04, Palin '08, and Ryan '12. Hell, most of them didn't even run, except the two Democrats. Of those three choices, I still think Pence is in the best shape, but clearly he's not going to be the nominee in 2020.
I think a lot of people voting for Trump may now be voting in favor of what they truly believed and wanted in a candidate while they were previously supporting "traditional" conservatives for lack of a better option in the binary system we have
You have to figure with all the dough Clinton and her super PAC's have, they dump some into the VP debate to show everyone what an ultra-conservative, non-LGBT he is.
Kaine is actually a really good opposition figure to someone like Pence. Kaine is a super religious Catholic, i.e., openly believes that abortion is bad and embraces the catechism wholeheartedly, but he also doesn't believe in "legislating his faith."
I've been surprised the Clinton campaign hasn't leveraged Kaine as much to go after religious voters who are horrified at Trump's behavior. The so-called "Bush Democrats".