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CBM: Kite Man: Hell Yeah debuts; The Caped Crusader drops Aug 1; Deadpool & Wolverine; Comic-Con RDJ to play Doctor Doom

I imagine it should take the approach of Preacher and stray from the comic. Hell, they could do a Trump era Watchmen and it would be pretty interesting.

True. Or maybe he'll do what he did with The Leftovers and make the first one about the comics, then make up the rest. Dr. Manhattan would be the most difficult character to write around.
Season 2 of Preacher kicks off on Sunday. iZombie season finale is next Tuesday. I am v excite.

update dat thread title, ph
Is it really that hard to make a good FF4 movie?

It shouldn't be.

They'd fit in the MCU pretty well. Make Reed a professional rival of Stark. A nice shot of Reed looking down on Stark Tower from the Baxter Building would set it up nicely.

No prob, RSF.
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I mean, I get why Fox wants to keep the property. Even the shitty ones make money. But still, yeah, it would work way better in the MCU than the X-verse. Other than Beast and Wolverine, I can't think of very many crossovers between FF4 and X-people.
Before a couple of weeks ago, I would have been nervous about the new Watchmen, but Lindelof proved he could stick the landing with The Leftovers so count me as very psyched for this new series. I hope it does follow the Leftovers formula of S1 = prior material, S2 and beyond, new stuff. 10-13 episodes sounds to align nicely with a 12 issue series (how long the comic lasted).

Speaking of 80s comics, The Killing Joke is on HBOGO now. It's heartbreakingly bad for many reasons. One I didn't expect was the vexation I felt from hearing Conroy + Hamill and getting some hard R type tone versus what I'm used to from B:TAS. The whole first half of the movie was filler and Bruce banging Barbara was just wrong. I implore you to never watch this, even to see if it's as bad as everyone says.

I've about given up on FF in MCU. There are some fascinating stories that would enable them to just be plopped into the middle of the current timeline, involving Ultimate Nullifiers, alternate dimensions and all the other things that can make FF stories so cool, when written well. More than anything I want the FF ancillary characters available to the MCU, maybe that could still be haggled out. Annihilus vs the GotG? Yes, yes and YES please! Obviously the Silver Surfer and Galactus would be better served there. Most of all, and I've said it a time or two in this thread, Dr. Doom needs to be given a place to show why he's the greatest gd villain ever. Period.
Osborn and Doom would fit very well in the MCU.
Watched the first two episodes of Preacher S2 last night. God, I love that show. They're definitely amping up the bonkers fun this year.
I haven't even gotten to the opening credits of S2E1 and already compelled to say damn this is insane. No one does a good car chase scene any more, I miss those.
It was good. I'm not into the gore, but I get it. It's a Monday night drop down from Better Call Saul. Episode 2 was very creative.

Some random news. Feel free to find the links.

The initial reactions to Spider-Man: Homecoming are extremely positive. I still recommend staying away from spoilers.

The first film after Avengers 4 will be the sequel to Spider-Man: Homecoming on July 4th weekend 2019. So it's a pretty quick turnaround. Good movie for a HS trilogy. It will directly involve the aftermath of Infinity War saga.

After some confusion on the Sony side, it was confirmed that the Venom and Silver Sable/Black Cat films will not be in the MCU. Definite get the sense Feige doesn't want anything to do with those, at least on Sony's terms. I do wonder exactly where the line is. MCU gets Vulture but not Venom? MCU gets Betty Brant, Liz Allen, and MJ but not Felicia Hardy?

The Punisher will debut on Netflix in November. Jessica Jones, Luke Cage, and Daredevil will return in 2018.

Inhumans will debut on ABC on Sept 29.
Not surprised with the quick Spidey turnaround. Holland isn't going to look that young long.
Yeah. Maybe they'll double up on Spidey 2 and 3. The supporting cast of students is pretty young if I remember correctly.
Want to see Lockjaw? Here's Lockjaw:
