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Trump Will Win the Nomination

IMO, Trump would have the moral high ground if he were put in a position to have to back out on that pledge, because at that point the party will have flagrantly wronged him.

yeah. pretty fucking crazy we're at a high point where Donald Trump has the moral highground over..anything
Being fascinated by what Donald Trump is causing to happen in this election is not the same as adoration. No chance I vote for that twit, but I'm definitely in awe of his king troll status and his anti-establishment creds.

Really? You are in awe?
Really? You are in awe?

How can you not be in awe. It is ridiculous what he is doing. He has convinced the sheep that the wolf is the best protector for the herd. Awe is a perfect word, in every terrible sense that awe can be imagined.
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Really? You are in awe?

His candidacy should have been dead months ago, yet the more outrageous he acts the more support he seems to get. It's fascinating and I wish I was back in college taking politics this semester and next fall. So yes, I am in awe of the spectacle that is Donald Trump.
Trump is up 15 points over Cruz and Rubio in MI and Kasich is last. Brokered convention depends on Kasich winning OH and Rubio winning FL. Looks pretty shaky if Kasich isn't even competitive in MI. He's done if he loses OH. Rubio's done if he loses FL and his political career potentially may be over if Trump beats him badly there.

Seems more likely that the GOP nomination will come down to Trump and Cruz and that one will have sufficient delegates for a first ballot nomination. If it's Cruz, don't see how Trump can credibly claim he got systematically shafted by the RNC. Brokered convention would be a different deal. HRC beats Cruz one on one and wins easily if Trump is also in the field.

Brokered convention seems like the worst case scenario for the GOP. If there were a concensus alternative to Trump, they wouldn't need a brokered convention. Romney, Jeb, or even Ryan would cause a mass revolt. Think it boils down to Trump or Cruz and the GOP rolls the dice on the WH and holding the Senate. Huge stakes since they risk getting wiped out by Hillary and also losing the Senate and SC. Gerrymandered House won't be in play.
In that case, how is Lindsay Graham getting away with what he is saying? And is Jeb Bush going to endorse Trump if Trump wins the nomination? Haven't heard anything from Jeb after he nd his family sneaked out of South Carolina.

What's the punishment going to be for a sitting senator and former governor? GOP gonna kick them out of the party? Maybe that's your point, but there is no real enforcement here and there never was. That's why Trump signed the pledge - he knows it's not going to stand up in court and he doesn't care at all what the GOP says or does to him. Hell he's only recently become a member of the GOP, why would he care at all what they have to say about him?
Does that dude sign everything in sharpie? That may be the most offensive thing about the man.

His tiny little baby hands need a larger pen. It's like those giant pencils for little kids.
I gotta say, I'm really digging Mitt Romney these days in a "enemy of my enemy is a friend" sort of way
Not that anything Mitt says is going to help whatsoever, of course. But A for effort.
It actually probably hurts the establishment. Trump will just say that they're bringing out all the guns and these guns are losers unlike him who is a winner. Disgusting! Sad!
i'm trying to understand why this romney thing is a big deal. guy is acting like he's ronald reagan of the GOP right now
Wall Street readies big Trump assault
NEW YORK — Wall Street is getting ready to go nuclear on Donald Trump.

Terrified that the reality TV star could run away with the Republican nomination and bring his brand of anti-immigrant, protectionist populism to the White House, some top financiers are writing big checks to fund an effort to deny Trump a majority of delegates to the GOP convention.
The group, initially funded by $3 million from Marlene Ricketts, wife of billionaire T.D. Ameritrade founder Joe Ricketts, wants to saturate the expensive Florida airwaves ahead of the state’s March 15 primary with hopes of denying Trump a victory that could crush the hopes of home state Sen. Marco Rubio.

A conference call on Tuesday to solicit donors for the group included Paul Singer, billionaire founder of hedge fund Elliott Management; Hewlett Packard President and CEO Meg Whitman; and Chicago Cubs co-owner Todd Ricketts, one of Joe and Marlene Ricketts’ three sons. Wealthy Illinois businessman Richard Uihlein is also expected to help fund the effort. Jim Francis, a big GOP donor and bundler from Texas, was also on the phone call on Tuesday.

One person close to the Our Principles PAC said money will not be an issue.

This person said Singer, who is worth close to $2 billion, is fully dedicated to making sure the group has all the funds it needs to inundate the airwaves in Florida and other states viewed as not entirely friendly to Trump, a group that includes Illinois, Missouri, Arizona, Wisconsin and other states in the Northeast and West. Ohio could join the list if Trump moves ahead of the state’s governor, John Kasich, in the polls.
The theory, this person said, is that voters are still largely unaware of the full case against Trump. “We have not seen how he holds up to real sustained attacks over the KKK and David Duke stuff, over Trump University, over Trump Mortgage. People don’t really know about that stuff. We are about to find out what happens when they find out about it.”
Packer said in an interview that the effort is focused on denying Trump the 1,237 delegates needed to win the nomination outright. “This is a delegate battle; it’s not going to be like other years, and 71 percent of the delegates have not been awarded,” she said. “There is just a huge chasm between Trump and the other candidates, and there is going to be no coalescing around him. It will go all the way to Cleveland,” site of the GOP convention in July.