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Official Russian Election Interference Thread

stay tuned

As opposed to Trump's business partner being the money launderer and confidant or the Iranian Revolutionary Guard. Trump's partner helped give funds for terrorism for Iran and paid Trump $3M/year. If a frickin journalist from Vanity Fair knows who this guy is, how didn't Trump?

It's very possible that Trump, his son and daughter all committed violations of the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act of 1977. There are many people in jail for this.

My bad, Trump and his family are above the law.
LOL. A real investigation.
No wonder sailor thinks Hillary is relevant. I'm at Tires Plus and Fox & Friends has been talking about Hillary for the last five minutes.

LOL. There's some dude on here saying Trump's unsubstantiated wiretap claims are "Obama's Watergate and worse than Nixon's Watergate."
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Fox and Friends is like Channel 1 when Trump is starting his day in Homeroom.

Just think about their influence for a second. Steve Doocey and that lunatic Brian Not Doocey are two of the most influential journalists in the country right now. If not the entire god damn world.
Going into the break, they just said, "Is ISIS about to fall in Iraq?" Bitch, if ISIS was falling in Iraq right now, you wouldn't have been talking about Hillary and "Obama's Watergate" crap for the last 20 minutes. And they came back from break with a Tony Robbins interview.
NPR 1A is doing an hour on voting. A guest just said that the voting machine mentioned in the NSA report was the type used in Durham County that either showed people had already voted or kicked people off voter rolls (don't remember which one).
NPR 1A is doing an hour on voting. A guest just said that the voting machine mentioned in the NSA report was the type used in Durham County that either showed people had already voted or kicked people off voter rolls (don't remember which one).

But Junebug said we didn't need an assessment of these systems.
But Junebug said we didn't need an assessment of these systems.
Still too early to say whether they were able to use the information gained in the initial Winner leak to do anything more nefarious but this is a clear indication that they were trying something.

It almost seems likely that they were certain that Hillary was going to win and were sowing the seeds of doubt ahead of time. If she had won, I bet WikiLeaks would have been all over the supposed election fraud. In hindsight, Donald was clearly laying the groundwork for a fraud excuse if he lost.

It's easy enough to imagine right? Putin forgives some of Trump's Russian debt in exchange for helping him fuck Hillary and ruin her standing with the American people and the world.

That is what gives me pause in regards to Russia outright changing votes. But after watching the Zero Days documentary, I am now certain that had they wanted to do so, they could have compromised voting machines.
Still too early to say whether they were able to use the information gained in the initial Winner leak to do anything more nefarious but this is a clear indication that they were trying something.

It almost seems likely that they were certain that Hillary was going to win and were sowing the seeds of doubt ahead of time. If she had won, I bet WikiLeaks would have been all over the supposed election fraud. In hindsight, Donald was clearly laying the groundwork for a fraud excuse if he lost.

It's easy enough to imagine right? Putin forgives some of Trump's Russian debt in exchange for helping him fuck Hillary and ruin her standing with the American people and the world.

That is what gives me pause in regards to Russia outright changing votes. But after watching the Zero Days documentary, I am now certain that had they wanted to do so, they could have compromised voting machines.

I agree, but it is worth investigating or we'll never know.