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'17 Specials & '18 Midterms Thread

not just the right media. saw articles on slate and cnn. it was a slip. certainly not fatal. you just don't have much to go on so slips for a newbie are magnified.

How does your student debt feel?
There is break in July where there are no primaries (minus a runoff here and there) or special elections. Hopefully in August we'll have new races and candidates to talk about, and people won't be obsessing over the last most interesting story of the midterm elections because she misspoke slightly.
"You didn't build that"
"if you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor"

just two examples of throwaway one liners that were used to beat the Democrats over the head to great effect. They did not just inflame the base, they influenced swing voters too.

However, the conclusion that I draw from this is not that Democrats have to be perfect and never say anything that might be used against them. Rather, I conclude that the right is much, much better at leveraging these things and the Democrats need to get better at it. God knows the President and Congress are giving them tons and tons of potential ammunition.
"You didn't build that"
"if you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor"

just two examples of throwaway one liners that were used to beat the Democrats over the head to great effect. They did not just inflame the base, they influenced swing voters too.

However, the conclusion that I draw from this is not that Democrats have to be perfect and never say anything that might be used against them. Rather, I conclude that the right is much, much better at leveraging these things and the Democrats need to get better at it. God knows the President and Congress are giving them tons and tons of potential ammunition.

Or maybe the right is more inflammable over small stuff. They’re going to hate Obama or a Puerto Rican Dem from the Bronx anyway. The right wing machine just gives them a “legitimate” reason to do so.
so they're better at harnessing underlying emotions.

hate the player, hate the game, amirite?
Romney's 47% comments
binders full of women
Paul Ryan's marathon time
McCain can't remember how many houses he owns
Palin can't name a newspaper
I can see Russia from my house (actually an SNL line, but it stuck)
And a throwback - read my lips, no new taxes

All candidates for president or VP, not a random congressional candidate.

If the right could effectively make a congressional candidate into boogeyman to swing voters, they wouldn't keep going back to Hillary Clinton.
again I have no idea what you are talking about

That’s the problem.

AOC can say pretty much anything at this point and it won’t be close to as out of touch as the candidate you fawned over last election (and whose tone deaf tweet I referenced twice).

What are Sanders stans doing? Electing progressives. Trying to build a movement in and out of the established party system.

What are Clinton stans doing? Nothing, but mocking the upstart progressive movement in the DNC and DSA and their candidates.
That’s the problem.

AOC can say pretty much anything at this point and it won’t be close to as out of touch as the candidate you fawned over last election (and whose tone deaf tweet I referenced twice).

What are Sanders stans doing? Electing progressives. Trying to build a movement in and out of the established party system.

What are Clinton stans doing? Nothing, but mocking the upstart progressive movement in the DNC and DSA and their candidates.

Oh wow a clumsy attempt to relate to younger people via tweet over 3 years ago. That clearly shows somebody who's more out-of-touch then a lack of actual knowledge. Get off your moral high horse dude. Moderates are out there trying to get moderate candidates elected just like progressives are trying to get progressive candidates elected. It's going to be funny when the right-wing starts focusing it's antagonism on the far left after its useful idiot stage has passed. You better hope that moderates are much better team players than the progressives have been.
Oh wow a clumsy attempt to relate to younger people via tweet over 3 years ago. That clearly shows somebody who's more out-of-touch then a lack of actual knowledge. Get off your moral high horse dude. Moderates are out there trying to get moderate candidates elected just like progressives are trying to get progressive candidates elected. It's going to be funny when the right-wing starts focusing it's antagonism on the far left after its useful idiot stage has passed. You better hope that moderates are much better team players than the progressives have been.

Hopefully they will show up to vote unlike in 2016.


"In fact, millennials continue to have the lowest voter turnout of any age group. Only about 46 percent voted in the last presidential election; compared to 72 percent of the Silent Generation, who habitually punch above their weight."

If millennials voted in the same percentage as the rest of the country, Trump wouldn't have won. Talk is cheap millennials.

"As Woody says, ‘Showing up is 80 percent of life."

Show up!
Hopefully they will show up to vote unlike in 2016.


"In fact, millennials continue to have the lowest voter turnout of any age group. Only about 46 percent voted in the last presidential election; compared to 72 percent of the Silent Generation, who habitually punch above their weight."

If millennials voted in the same percentage as the rest of the country, Trump wouldn't have won. Talk is cheap millennials.

"As Woody says, ‘Showing up is 80 percent of life."

Show up!

If Baby Boomers weren’t racist assholes (that also started unnecessary wars and wrecked the world economy) Trump wouldn’t have won either. :noidea:
We were such racist assholes that we went out into the streets to create civil rights and end a war. As opposed to millennials, who are too fucking lazy to get out and vote.

Millions of us put our lives and freedom on the line and your generation can't get off its ass and vote...well other than to blame everyone else for your inaction.