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Chat Thread Redacted: keep it like a secret

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Avengers 3 was much better than Avengers 2, which was actual trash
there were some bad sequels in cinema, so no more sequels are worth seeing ever
the examples he used are good examples of a studio simply banking on prior success and draining the creative well.

i'm not sure the same can be said for the Marvel franchise, where characters have different tones and directors and creative teams trying ot create or adapt material for new films. some of the movies are better than others, but i'd argue very few Marvel films are anywhere near as bad as the ones in his list. Maybe Iron Man 2 and the Bana Hulk, which isn't even in the MCU?
Right, that's my point. I don't think it's particularly difficult to spend a few seconds to weigh a movie on its own merits. There are even entire websites dedicated to helping people do that in 2018.
that doesn't answer my question

my original question never really got answered, though.

ph gave me two actor names and a motif from the ant-man series.

you responded to my question with a question.

rsf took my examples as hyperbole and expanded upon it with even more hyperbole!

all fantastic reasons to see the most ambitious crossover event in movie history.
ah the old john oliver time appeal

the post stands without "in 2018", but okay

you're asking kind of a stupid question here: a reason to see the "most ambitious crossover event in movie history" is contained in that description, and also the movie is pretty good, something that is not very difficult to figure out by, again, looking at folks who are paid to judge the movie on its own merits

or did you have some sort of larger point to make, here, that you're just being super obtuse with for some reason
my original question never really got answered, though.

ph gave me two actor names and a motif from the ant-man series.

you responded to my question with a question.

rsf took my examples as hyperbole and expanded upon it with even more hyperbole!

all fantastic reasons to see the most ambitious crossover event in movie history.

i think the better question is why shouldn't you

in other news, behold these $168 jeans:

y'all really don't think the marvel universe has gotten to a point where they rely on recycled material or formulas to produce recombinant media with predictable success?
y'all really don't think the marvel universe has gotten to a point where they rely on recycled material or formulas to produce recombinant media with predictable success?

why does that matter if the resulting material is good? plenty of artistic endeavors are the result of recycling themes and styles not to mention a rigorous and systematized creative process

because that's what ideology wants me to do, duh.

weird how defensive people get about their marvel movies

almost like you're questioning their identity

like they've been interpellated or something

are they entertainment or a way of life?
even that great gatsby remake gave us a couple of all-time great gifs and a pretty good lana del rey song, yes
weird how defensive people get about their marvel movies

almost like you're questioning their identity

like they've been interpellated or something

are they entertainment or a way of life?

i think people get defensive about stupid questions coming from an uninformed and blatantly contrarian mindset, but to each their own i guess
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