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2020 Democratic Presidential Nominees

You sound like a RW Republican. Money isn't the only factor. But there are also lots of schools that still don't have books for every student, enough computer or science labs and in thousands upon thousands of schools teachers have to dip into their own pockets to provide supplies for students.
You sound like a RW Republican. Money isn't the only factor. But there are also lots of schools that still don't have books for every student, enough computer or science labs and in thousands upon thousands of schools teachers have to dip into their own pockets to provide supplies for students.

Every other thing you just mentioned related to money. I am all for funding schools across the board. I am not naïve enough to think that it is going to stabilize performance levels
I want to know why the black kid in the hoodie has to be either a poet laureate or a gangbanger. Why can’t he be just a normal guy?
a huge cultural shift is required in the african american community, I support some sort of reparations to help get them there, but such reparations might have the same problems that have been mentioned on here in regards to throwing money at schools. This Trump era is going to have profound effects on the white community as well. Dumb rednecks are becoming more and more proud being dumb rednecks, so that doesn't bode well. Asians already are and will continue to be the most affluent by far, just based on their family values. Every mid-tier professional job is getting filled with asians all over the place, because they're simply the best workers.
Increasing death rates, lower birth rates, and rising anti-intellectualism among white people does not bode well for the future.

For all this talk of cultural genocide, they’re doing it to themselves. It’s ugly to see.
The issue with all those rednecks is that they don't value education very much. Their view of education was that it was something they had to endure until they got their high school diploma (if they didn't drop out first), and then they just went to work in some factory or plant in their hometown that paid a living wage. Those jobs don't exist anymore in most places, but these people won't accept that. Instead of facing reality and working to change themselves and their culture, they just blame everyone else (usually minorities and immigrants) for "taking" their jobs (automation has actually taken most of their jobs), and keep hoping that the factories will somehow return. And they hate large urban areas in their states for getting "all of the good jobs", even though most of them don't have the education or training to work in those "good jobs." Go to almost anywhere in rural or small-town NC and you'll see this attitude everywhere. It is a real problem, and it's only getting worse.
I grew up in a farm town in south jersey. Surrounded by 20 miles of farms in every direction, but also a 30 minute drive from Dupont in delaware or Philadelphia. So the white community was a mix of rural white kids and preppy kids with parents with white colar jobs. Very segregationist small black community as well. High school of about 200, and there were maybe 20 of us that made it in all the AP classes. At least 95% of the AP kids came from the white collar group. The few black kids with white collar parents generally fit in with the white kids, and those without tended to stay together.

There was a huge issue where like the most popular preppy kid in our HS got accused sophmore year of rape of a girl who was then dating a redneck. Huge just cultural awkwardness. Until the accused and the boyfriend got in a fight when the boyfriend threatened his sister, and the two had to move away with one parent, the parents ended up getting separated and eventually the accused ended up killing himself. Then all the preppy kids ended up hating the rednecks even more.
Redneck guy from my hometown is the fire captain for our small town fire department. He recently posted a job opening for a entry level firefighter position. Got to be 18 years old with a high school diploma or GED, drivers license and good driving record, experience not necessary. Starting salary $35K with "excellent benefits."

You can live a pretty good life in my hometown as a young adult making $35K.
Is it? It's surely a stereotypical statement that doesn't apply to everyone. Not intended to be racist.
Redneck guy from my hometown is the fire captain for our small town fire department. He recently posted a job opening for a entry level firefighter position. Got to be 18 years old with a high school diploma or GED, drivers license and good driving record, experience not necessary. Starting salary $35K with "excellent benefits."

You can live a pretty good life in my hometown as a young adult making $35K.

Yeah, but the numbers of jobs paying even $35k are down sharply in many rural areas with all the factories closing. I see that in my old hometown a lot. There are still definitely some decent jobs, and the cost of living is relatively low, but there still aren't nearly as many such jobs around as even 25 years ago. And, of course, the work ethic is a big deal too. I know lots of rednecks who love to brag about what salt-of-the-earth, hard-workin' folks all white rural people are, but I knew plenty of them growing up who were lazy as hell and mooched from better-off relatives or even welfare programs. There are some with a strong work ethic and willingness to learn new things, but not nearly so many as they like to pretend.

ETA: I've heard via relatives and friends that a surprisingly high percentage of younger and even middle-aged rural whites fail job drug tests. Opioids and all that.
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Oh definitely. That job is a huge opportunity and not typical.
I grew up in a farm town in south jersey. Surrounded by 20 miles of farms in every direction, but also a 30 minute drive from Dupont in delaware or Philadelphia. So the white community was a mix of rural white kids and preppy kids with parents with white colar jobs. Very segregationist small black community as well. High school of about 200, and there were maybe 20 of us that made it in all the AP classes. At least 95% of the AP kids came from the white collar group. The few black kids with white collar parents generally fit in with the white kids, and those without tended to stay together.

There was a huge issue where like the most popular preppy kid in our HS got accused sophmore year of rape of a girl who was then dating a redneck. Huge just cultural awkwardness. Until the accused and the boyfriend got in a fight when the boyfriend threatened his sister, and the two had to move away with one parent, the parents ended up getting separated and eventually the accused ended up killing himself. Then all the preppy kids ended up hating the rednecks even more.

Here’s an article about the dude. He literally coulda been president one day. Best grades, best looking, best athlete, most personable guy in the world. The interesting thing 20 years later is the “he complained about headaches the weeks before”

Could have been concussion related football shit. The girl who accused him was the most popular girl in the high school. And it wasn’t an accusation, she basically wrote in her diary something about giving him head during 8th grade graduation and her mom read it 2 years later and it became a rape allegation and trial. Who knows the truth, and most my friends and lawyers thought it was bullshit, but you don’t drink gasoline and light yourself on fire unless you’re walking around with a lotta guilt. But it may have been guilt of contributing to his family’s divorce.

The issue with all those rednecks is that they don't value education very much. Their view of education was that it was something they had to endure until they got their high school diploma (if they didn't drop out first), and then they just went to work in some factory or plant in their hometown that paid a living wage. Those jobs don't exist anymore in most places, but these people won't accept that. Instead of facing reality and working to change themselves and their culture, they just blame everyone else (usually minorities and immigrants) for "taking" their jobs (automation has actually taken most of their jobs), and keep hoping that the factories will somehow return. And they hate large urban areas in their states for getting "all of the good jobs", even though most of them don't have the education or training to work in those "good jobs." Go to almost anywhere in rural or small-town NC and you'll see this attitude everywhere. It is a real problem, and it's only getting worse.

And they too often pacify their angst and anger with drugs.
Redneck guy from my hometown is the fire captain for our small town fire department. He recently posted a job opening for a entry level firefighter position. Got to be 18 years old with a high school diploma or GED, drivers license and good driving record, experience not necessary. Starting salary $35K with "excellent benefits."

You can live a pretty good life in my hometown as a young adult making $35K.

There are 6,200 kids in the Edgecombe County public school system, so maybe 400 grads per year.