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Donald Impeachment

If she brought a bunch of charges that revealed the depth of his corruption, then maybe the American people would be justly outraged and put pressure on those in Congress to actually remove him from office. All this narrow Ukraine issue does is bore most people and enrage Trump's base. Just because mainstream media covers it non-stop doesn't mean it's compelling for most people or that it isn't esoteric. Watch the Sondland testimony and tell me that isn't esoteric.

How about doing what is right and throwing the whole kitchen sink at him and letting the chips fall where they may rather than play political games? Either that or actually oppose him on the issues and work to gain seats in Congress and win back the Presidency instead of this dog and pony show they know has 0 chance of removing him from office.

Sadly, no amount of pressure would change those votes. Republicans in Congress are far more afraid of Trump than they are of their constituents.

Pelosi has brought up issues and passed hundreds of bills while doing this. She was forced to do the trial because of Ukraine not the dozens of other crimes Trump has committed.
Trump hasn’t attacked anyone else? Are you being serious? You realize what literally all of this Ukraine stuff is about right? It’s literally about attacking Biden. Also, the whole Pocahontas bit he does in all his speeches and on twitter isn’t an attack? His campaign might be doing that math, but if anything, trump has been easy on Bernie personally. I really can’t tell if you’re just trolling or are this deep in the Bernie brohood. Either way, have all the e-fun you want, just please don’t be a fucking idiot in November.

Maybe there's a reason Trump has been "easy on Bernie personally." Trump is very politically savvy. He has the ability to spot the weaknesses and vulnerabilities in his opponents and pounds them relentlessly. What is he going to attack Bernie on? That he's a socialist? Bernie's been consistent on the issues his entire career. On the other hand, he knows Warren lies. About being a Native-American, about her being fired for being pregnant, about this whole "Bernie said a woman couldn't win the presidency" (when Bernie encouraged her to run in 2015!). It's why the Crooked Hillary and "Lock her up!" chants resonated with people because there's truth in it.

It's sad you have to resort to personal attacks and distort and misconstrue the points I'm making.
Yeah man how dare you resort to personal attacks on a parody account that decided to post dump in the last 24 hours, shame on you.
Hence why Pelosi should've brought the kitchen sink if they actually wanted him out. Yet they go after him for this? It sets a terrible precedent.

Have you seen the modern Republican Party. Trump could shoot some one in the middle of 5th Avenue with thousands of witness and every single GOP politician would find it troubling but also say that it doesn't rise to the level of an impeachable offense.
Looks like mankini got his talking points early.

I heard this talking point from a trump supporting family member last night as well. The conspiracy theory is definitely making its way around the conservative media ecosystem.
big stumbling moron who says things dumb people love does not equal politically savvy
That could be true. My hunch is that they realize his base is a little more reachable via social media and similar internet circles to trumps, but I don’t know that.

I’m just trying to understand how this impeachment trial about trump attempting to extort a foreign government to smear Joe Biden about a perceived shady deal with his son is some vast conspiracy to help Biden beat Bernie Sanders. That logic is charitably a reach.

Read my earlier response to your post. I do not believe the entire impeachment trial was a vast conspiracy to help Biden beat Sanders. I believe the motive for focusing on the narrow Ukraine issue for impeachment was a political move to appease Democrats and show them that they're doing something to oppose Trump.

However, as the trial was drawing to a close in the House, I believe Pelosi saw that delaying sending them to the Senate could also hurt Bernie and Warren's chances in Iowa by preventing them from campaigning. So that's what she did. Because she knows Bernie's campaign of not taking corporate money is a direct indictment on her dependence on corporate lobbyist money.
Who is this guy coming out of nowhere pretending to be a Bernie bro?

Let's criticize the Democratic Party's primary and super delegate process on a thread largely about the GOP harboring and abetting a known Criminal in the White House.
Have you seen the modern Republican Party. Trump could shoot some one in the middle of 5th Avenue with thousands of witness and every single GOP politician would find it troubling but also say that it doesn't rise to the level of an impeachable offense.

There is truth to that. However, only 29% of Americans identify as Republican. 31% as Democrat. 38% as independent. Put the latter two together, that's 69% (heyo). Pressure from over two-thirds of American should mean something. But there's no energy or public outrage to pressure anyone because Pelosi chose this narrow Ukraine issue and most people see that and go, oh this is politics as usual.
Read my earlier response to your post. I do not believe the entire impeachment trial was a vast conspiracy to help Biden beat Sanders. I believe the motive for focusing on the narrow Ukraine issue for impeachment was a political move to appease Democrats and show them that they're doing something to oppose Trump.

However, as the trial was drawing to a close in the House, I believe Pelosi saw that delaying sending them to the Senate could also hurt Bernie and Warren's chances in Iowa by preventing them from campaigning. So that's what she did. Because she knows Bernie's campaign of not taking corporate money is a direct indictment on her dependence on corporate lobbyist money.

You know where not taking big money hurts you most? National ad buys. You know what being a Senator right now gets you? More time on national tv with an audience larger than normal. I really can’t understand your argument at all.

If trump is remotely politically saavy, he knows the Bernie bros will vote for him if Bernie doesn’t win the nomination. Attacking sanders would hurt their feelings and make that bloc more difficult to secure. Of course I don’t think he’s that saavy. I do think he’s obsessed with 2016, and probably understands this opportunity because of that.

If Bernie wins the nomination, I’ll be happy to vote for him and support him however I can. Assuming you’re an actual person and not a Biff Friday afternoon troll job, I hope you won’t be a total moron if he doesn’t win the nomination.
There is truth to that. However, only 29% of Americans identify as Republican. 31% as Democrat. 38% as independent. Put the latter two together, that's 69% (heyo). Pressure from over two-thirds of American should mean something. But there's no energy or public outrage to pressure anyone because Pelosi chose this narrow Ukraine issue and most people see that and go, oh this is politics as usual.

Trump and the GOP are trying to cheat on their second election in a row. That is a BFD. It's not narrow, it is fundamental to the fabric of democracy.
big stumbling moron who says things dumb people love does not equal politically savvy

Trump went to the mid-west and pounded Hillary on her husband voting for NAFTA and sending their well-paying manufacturing jobs to China and guess what, he won all those important swing states in Michigan, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania. He lied when he told them he would be different and he would Drain the Swamp (in fact he did the opposite). But it's what people wanted to hear and he plays on peoples' fears and baser instincts very effectively.

It's possible to hate Trump and everything he stands for while also admitting he's a good politician/showman.
There are two incredibly dumb things about this silly conspiracy theory that Pelosi is trying to screw Bernie.

First, it's ridiculous to think Pelosi is trying to help Biden by allowing Republicans to signal boost their conspiracy theory.

Second, it's foolish to think candidates are better off actively campaigning in Iowa than being the focus of every media outlet after the day's trial events are over.

Third, it ignores Pelosi's obvious strategy. She set the 2019 State of the Union address on Tuesday, Feb 5. She couldn't do the first Tuesday in Feb this year because that's the Iowa caucuses. So she did it the day after and it won't get as much attention as usual as a result. She held back the impeachment articles so the Senate trial would be winding down about the time of the State of the Union address.
Your arguments are right-wing conspiracy talking points designed to drive a wedge between Democratic supporters.

You have labeled my arguments. You did not address any of my arguments with counterpoints. Rationally attempting to analyze a series of events while considering the motivations of the actors involved and the general context is not a conspiracy theory.

Which do think is more likely? That Pelosi delayed sending the articles to the Senate because she actually believed she would gain concessions from Mitch freakin McConnell? This would imply that she's stupid because no one in his/her right mind believed she would gain any concessions. I don't think she's stupid. Or was it a politically savvy move whereby she intentionally delayed it for a month to hurt the campaign of progressives like Bernie who are attacking her business model?