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Stephen King Mafia - Civs Stage Comeback for W

Im kind of upset we cant put toogs out of his misery and lynch him before tomorrow afternoon
Oh shit we get like 36 hours of banter



I’m drunk as hell and about to go to bed. Should I eat an edible so 4AM JMAN wakes up to a surprised when he has to pee?
Oh shit we get like 36 hours of banter



I’m drunk as hell and about to go to bed. Should I eat an edible so 4AM JMAN wakes up to a surprised when he has to pee?

Don't waste it
Yeah you’re right. Not really a waste though. My dude basically gives them to me at cost. I ate one Thursday and went for an eight mile urban hike to downtown Winston only to find it’s been taken over by homeless and teenage ruffians. It was scary.
Will they remember the night they played the Titans?

You got anger, that’s good you’re gonna need it, you got aggression that’s even better you’re gonna need that, too. But any little two year old child can throw a fit! Mafia is about controlling that anger, harnessing that aggression into a team effort to achieve perfection!
You got anger, that’s good you’re gonna need it, you got aggression that’s even better you’re gonna need that, too. But any little two year old child can throw a fit! Mafia is about controlling that anger, harnessing that aggression into a team effort to achieve perfection!

Real question is who plays who?

Toogs has to be the crusty old coach that rage quits
Knight is either Sunshine the flaming QB or weak ass Ryan Gosling who is too slow to start. Can’t decide
Im kind of upset we cant put toogs out of his misery and lynch him before tomorrow afternoon

Toogs is Annie Wilkes and you two are mafia. God, I'm gonna crush it this game. Teach you fuckers to leave me off the ratings.
Im kind of upset we cant put toogs out of his misery and lynch him before tomorrow afternoon

me too brosephus.

I'm going to vig hit ***ph*** if he survives the day. See you 9am tomorrow.
Top 5 King books:

5. Fire starter
4. The Dead Zone
3. Salem’s Lot
2. It
1. The Stand

Top 5 King film adaptations:

5. The Dead Zone (1983, dir. Cronenberg)
4. The Running Man (1987, dir. Glaser)
3. It (1990, dir. Wallace)
2. Stand By Me (1986, dir. Reiner)
1. The Shining (1980, dir. Kubrick)
Townie, you trying time get an eslap with that John Ritter, Harry Anderson, John Boy Walton bullshit.
Original IT is awesome and I won’t hear otherwise. 12 year old Seth Green is great.
me too brosephus.

I'm going to vig hit ***ph*** if he survives the day. See you 9am tomorrow.

Help me campaign for a Sunday majo. Ph is a good pick
