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Chat Thread: Going To The Mattresses !!! !!!!!

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Biff Tannen

Staff Member
Aug 1, 2011
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Hill Valley
Kind of interested to carry this over, so if anyone has any dope ghost stories, post them!

I saw the ghost/spirit of an Indian man by the side of the highway south of Richmond (near what used to be the Pocahontas Pkwy). It was pretty trippy, man. Like he was revealing himself to me because in me he sensed an open mind/soul.

I came to the boards to tell that story and someone within two posts linked to all these other stories of ghost sightings around there, so I knew it was legit then.

Only time something like that has happened to me, but I fully believe something other-worldly was the cause, and I'm not prone to lock into those sorts of things, though open minded about pretty much any weird shit at this point.

This was weird. I was driving up to the Richmond area to see this woman I was hanging out with (2003-ish?). It was late afternoon/dusk. There was this little clearing on the right side of the road -- the sun was kind of low, I think I remember, but I clearly saw this person by the side of the road wearing tattered threads and an overall weathered look, but it was sort of like a canvas poncho type thing. I passed by, looked in the rearview, and nothing was there. It wasn't as if I approached it and it kept its 3-dimensional figure, it was always in front of me, if that makes sense.

Figured it was a homeless person with a discarded carpet for clothes or something, but it stuck with me. Got back that weekend, tried to look stuff up on the world wide web, but got nothing.

About 10 years later, I was driving up to Fredericksburg, VA to see a show in TERRIBLE rain. As I approached the same spot it came back to me. I thought, man, that was weird, I will have to remember to look that up when I get home. I traveled right back after the show and it was late, but I hadn't been drinking or doing drugs or anything, just a 5 hour energy.

As I approached the same spot southbound, I started to get chills and goosebumps, and I could kind of feel like air was moving through the car. My nose/sinuses opened up, almost like a pre-nosebleed feeling. It was powerful.

Got back home, posted it on the boards, and someone was like "oh, you mean x place on 95? here are some ghost story links." Pretty cool, though I don't think anyone had seen similar things to me, just heard chanting and saw disembodied horse riders carrying torches or some shit.

I don't know that the ones posted are still live, but here is the first hit on the google.


One of the original links was dead, and I couldn't find the original post, just a couple of other ones that reference it. Sorry if this is fully posted in one of those links.

"You don't have to "believe" in ghosts to run into them. In Virginia, Indian ghosts regularly appear on the newly-opened Pocahontas Parkway. One truck driver recently saw three of them. "The truck driver came through and said he saw [three] Indians in the middle of the highway lined up by the woods, each of them holding a torch," says a parkway toll taker. The warriors were illuminated clearly by the light from their fiery torches, and looked so real that the driver blasted his horn to tell them to get off the road. But the woman in the toll booth knew they were ghosts, since she'd heard the same story from so many other drivers.

Troopers who work along the Pocahontas Parkway say they have responded to dozens of such calls. A recent one was on July 1st at 3:11 a.m. Two days later, at 1:44 a.m., roadway workers reported "see[ing] a subject running back and forth around the loading dock." Troopers responded both times and found nothing. In both cases, the Indians were described as having cloudy but fully formed legs, arms and torsos, with only a vague outline of a head. Troopers and workers also have reported hearing Indian drums.

Long after midnight, drivers and roadway workers report hearing whoops, shouts and cries from what seem like dozens of voices. Some people claim the noises are from a nearby kennel, but one trooper says, "I know what a bunch of hunting dogs sound like, and it doesn't sound anything like that."

State police spokeswoman Corinne Geller visited the toll plaza late at night and says,"Three separate times during our watch, I heard high-pitched howls and screams, not the kind of screams of a person in trouble, but whooping. There were at least a dozen to 15 [voices]. I would say every hair on my body was standing up when we heard those noises."

An engineer for Blau-Velt, who is working nights to complete the parkway bridge's construction, says, "It was me and two or three other guys and we could see a horse and there was an Indian sitting on it. It was right at the bottom of the bridge." The engineers started toward the rider, "because you're not allowed to have a horse on an interstate," but both the Indian and his horse disappeared.

Deanna Beacham of the Nansemond tribe has a theory about the ghosts. "We are anxiously awaiting our federal recognition," she says. "We're still here as place names. We became rivers and streets and roads and communities. Why shouldn't people see physical manifestations of that?"

There is evidence of Indian inhabitation in the area of the parkway from the 1600s to as far back as 3500 BC. Dennis Blanton, an archeologist at the College of William and Mary, organized a dig before construction started. "There were artifacts scattered all over, dating back five or six thousand years," he says. "They had a main village that was closer to Richmond."

Ron Hadad owns Hadad's Lake picnic grounds, which is less than a mile from the toll plaza. He says, "I've been here for 37 years. My mom--we all thought it was funny--she lived in this house before me. She said she used to hear a lot of hooting and hollering. I've never seen any Indians myself, but I've seen my mother's face. They probably built [the roadway] on an Indian burial ground.? "
I wish I had ghost stories, but I got nuffin.
I too find ghost stories in general to be boring other than Ghostbusters. And I don't really like any horror movies.
I don't like too many horror movies, it gets me a little too freaked out down to my core. Some are fine, though, there's no real rhyme or reason or pattern, but I generally avoid them.
Well, then, sorry to bore you guys with my totally awesome ghost story. I guess, much like the shaman and medicine man of the past, I am more receptive to these vibrations and mystical strands, so spirits find peace and empathy in revealing themselves to me.
I kinda gave up on horror movies after Babadook got 98% on Rotten Tomatoes and then the movie was terrible

I'm sure there are good ones, but not enough of a film guy to have horror take up much of my movie-watching time budget
The Shining I can deal with, and Don't Look Now, stuff like that. The Exorcist was ok for me, too.

But then super weird stuff like House of 1000 Corpses will get to me.

Blair Witch also totally fucked me up back in the day.
My kids had me watch It and It 2 with them recently. It was good, It 2 was almost three hours, which is ridiculous.
Unless Alien counts as a horror movie, then no I can't really think of one off the top of my head.
The Shining I can deal with, and Don't Look Now, stuff like that. The Exorcist was ok for me, too.

But then super weird stuff like House of 1000 Corpses will get to me.

Blair Witch also totally fucked me up back in the day.

You should watch Midsommar. I really think you would dig it. Hereditary is also very good. Ari Aster is doing things.

I still stan The Witch so hard.
I guess Jaws, too, which is one of my favorite movies (maybe favorite) but to me that transcends the genre.
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