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Rubio and Martinez Scold Newt

Here are a couple of things:

1. Cubans think they are higher on the pecking order than Mexicans or other Centtral Americans. They consider themselves more Spanish than what we consider Latino. FL Cubans have little in common with Hispanics in CA, AZ, TX, NM, CO, etc.
You've pretty much just described every different nationality in Central and South America. They all think they're the best of the lot.
But you know the Cubans, Argentines, Chileans and Brazillians really look down at everyone else. It's about how "Spanish" they are versus being partially indigenous.
You've pretty much just described every different nationality in Central and South America. They all think they're the best of the lot.

But Cubana are higher on the American pecking order.
But you know the Cubans, Argentines, Chileans and Brazillians really look down at everyone else. It's about how "Spanish" they are versus being partially indigenous.

More generically, European. The Brazilians speak Portuguese, and there are a lot of Argentines and Chileans of Italian and German ancestry. Quite a number who are Jews too. At least here anyway.
Is this the same Marco Rubio whom some of you guys are touting for Vice President?


He bought the home in 2005 for $550,000 with a $495,000 mortgage. He soon had it appraised for $735,000 and took out a home equity line of credit for $135,000.

In 2008, despite earning a declared $400,000 - including his $300,000 salary from the Miami law firm Broad and Cassel - Rubio failed to pay down the principal on his home for several months, according to Florida campaign finance disclosures.

During the same period he did not make payments on a $100,000-plus student loan from his days at the University of Miami, the disclosures said.

Rubio's spending habits also have gotten attention in Florida.

Before joining the Senate last year, he was caught up in an Internal Revenue Service investigation of the Florida Republican Party's use of party-issued credit cards. He frequently had used his party credit card for personal use, and later reimbursed the card company for about $16,000.

Rubio's handling of his personal finances contrasts sharply with the image of him on his Senate website, which highlights Rubio's efforts to prevent Washington from "piling up debt."

"We need a government that stops spending more money than it takes in," the website says.

Rubio's financial issues have led Florida Democrats to cast him as a hypocrite.

"Rubio campaigned on reining in government spending, but his own personal spending is out control," said Brannon Jordan of the Florida Democratic Party. "He says one thing but is doing another."

Rubio's office declined to discuss his mortgage issues in detail.

"Didnt pay his principal down for several months" No kidding. It's called a mortgage. All the principal payments are backloaded at the end, and all the interest payments are done on the front end.

"Didnt pay his student loan during that time". Was he penalized? Did he default? I'm guessing not otherwise it would have been mentioned. Clearly, nothing to see here.

And the credit card thing is so old and has zero legs. Used the card for personal use and paid it back. No one cares.

Dems are grasping at straws here. I understand why they're afraid of Rubio, but it's a pretty lame attempt.
No, it isn't, it is what got corrected. Though as both Les and I mentioned, the necessary corrections were apparent to anyone who actually read the article.
If it turns out that Marco's management of his personal finances is on the up and up, then I retract my comments about his hypocrisy from earlier.